This is our first blogpost in English. Why? Because during our planning of a Fashion Revolution Germany Assemby, we had gained wonderful responses and interest from many international Country Coordinators to join the 1st Fashion Revolution Assembly.
Therefore Berlin Fashion Week Summer 2019 started for us, as fff – future fashion forward, with Fashion Revolution. We organised the 1st Fashion Revolution Assembly in the rooms of NEONYT, where we have been able to connect elven County Coordinators from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Croatia, Malta, Laos, Morocco, Iran, India and Argentina and furthermore City- and University-Ambassadors from Hamburg, Munich, Stuttgart, Münster, Berlin, Frankfurt and Lüneburg. Also attending was Orsola de Castro, founder and initiator of Fashion Revolution. In 2013 after the Rana Plaza Collapse in Bangladesh she started this network together with Carry Sommers.

Fashion Revolution as a global campaign grew fast and wide. In April 2017 we set our benchmark of mobilizing 355 million people globally to use the Hashtag #Whomademyclothes to ask the labels of their clothes. In Germany alone we proudly worked the past three years with more than 20 City- and University-Ambassadors all over Germany, organizing Fashion Revolution locally. Orsola de Castro stressed on our national identities that form who we are.

After six years of campaigning Fashion Revolution, the campaign is still mainly organised by volunteering and social engagement. Collecting donations for ourselves, implementing structures and creating jobs for the work we do, fell short the past years. That has to change now. The answer of the question how? remains open, but what became clear is the benefit we see in connecting internationally more with expertise and resources. Our aim for the next years as Fashion Revolution Coordinators will be to implement the flame we lid into structures. This will allow us to grow into an reliable, transparent network. We will continue to work, educate and develop within the textile industry and will not stop raising awareness for its problems.
Right after the Assembly we started another MOVE performing with 55 people the number of workers that it takes to produce one T-Shirt. More pictures about this, you will find at Sustainable Fashion Matterz.
The 1st Fashion Revolution Assembly was the moment to bring expertise together. For the next year we hope to already extend on the format.
Many thanks for anyone to everyone that took the time to attend!